Search results for flakus

Record Drought Punishes Arkansas Agriculture 0    0

One of the worst hit drought zones in North America is Arkansas, where lack of rain threatens livestock and crops in almost every corner of the southern state. As VOA's Greg flakus r...

Saller 225 views

Companies Seek Profits from Cleaning Fracking Water 0    0

The increased use of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing -- to extract natural gas and oil in many parts of the United States -- has dramatically increased the nation's energ...

Saller 234 views

Companies Try Natural Gas to Fuel Vehicles 0    0

The dramatic increase in U.S. natural gas production has made the fuel cheaper and driven projects that would use this resource to replace far dirtier fossil fuels. As VOA's Greg flak...

Saller 194 views

Houston Sprawl Leaves Wildlife Stranded 0    0

Houston, Texas, and its surrounding suburbs are growing fast and sprawling out into natural forest areas that are the habitat for many species of indigenous wildlife. Local leaders as well as environm...

Saller 212 views

Space Program Status Disappoints 'Last Man on the Moon&... 0    0

One of the films that drew big crowds last week at the annual South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, tells the story of the last human being to stand on the moon, U.S. astronaut Eugene Cernan. ...

Saller 196 views

Oklahoma Academic’s Syria Blog Draws Worldwide Audience 0    0

In 2004, Middle East expert Joshua Landis started a blog called Syria Comment, and to his surprise, tens of thousands of people around the world began reading it. Landis is scaling back his blogging b...

Saller 194 views

Gospel Scion Diunna Greenleaf Belts Out the Blues 0    0

Last month, Living Blues magazine named Diunna Greenleaf the Female Blues Artist of the Year. But while the Houston-based artist has become well-known in some other countries, she is still struggling ...

Saller 292 views