KBS Panorama: Korean Eve | KBS 파노라마: 코리안 이브 - Part 2 : The Key to the Secret, Sundaland (2014.10.17)

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- Click to Watch Part 1 : http://youtu.be/3ZfaX_DAM8k
- Early man grew out of Africa and started traveling to the Korean Peninsula 60,000 years ago. The Negrito people still cling to the traces of their past. We study the lives of the Negrito Batek people, living as minorities in Malaysia’s rainforests, and also analyze the DNA of the first people to have come to Korea. The key to this lies in Sundaland, a land that is now buried underwater. Roughly 10,000 years ago, toward the end of the Ice Age, rising sea levels led to the submersion of a huge Southeast Asian peninsula, dubbed now as Sundaland. We look at advanced DNA research results from this area and try to determine its relationship to the migration of the first Koreans. With the end of the Ice Age 12,000 years ago, Sundaland, including areas of the Yellow Sea, sunk underwater. This phenomenon helps us to understand the impact to the earliest Neolithic Koreans.
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