Top 20 Features I Want in the Next Sony a7Riii and a7Siii Cameras

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Course on a7Rii:

Course on a7Sii:

Better AF. The algo they have in the Sony fly-by-wire lenses is very frustrating when shooting video. Touch screen for pulling focus would kind of fix that.
The colors science improved from the original a7s, but keep working on the colors. Perhaps they can come up with another Color Mode that emulates Arri, just call it Arri I am sure they would not mind.
Touch screen (I skip 4 in the video because I combined it with the touch screen)
Flip out to the side screen
A easy to edit codec for Davinci Resolve. Not asking for Prores, but something that cuts like butter in Resolve like Prores and is not so CPU intensive when editing in 4ktop 20
Custom WB in movie mode
Assign APS-C to button!
Film with shutter button
Create another log profile that is a combination of slog2 and slog3. Slog3 is too flat but easier to grade by hand, Slog2 is about as flat as I want it to be but is harder to grade by hand. Keep the min ISO to 800 for this new log profile.
Allow 3rd party besides Zeiss AF information to they can design lenses that work just as fast as the native glass, the more you can expand the E mount system the more you will sell these cameras.
Faster chips to improve rolling shutter.
Better menus, sounds like they are coming
Apps don't lose settings from before
Make it so simple to transfer images to my smart phone
Increase Battery life
Improve IBIS
Distance scale in movie mode
Louder speaker like on the iPhone.
RGB Histogram for video

Dave's Courses on Shooting Video with Mirrorless & DSLR's:

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